Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hospitality Operations PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hospitality Operations - PowerPoint Presentation mannikinIngredients standardization had three main merits ensuring minimization of food leftovers among the customers, limited likelihood for customers view of the restaurant as having poor take to be for money, and maximized profiteering.The three dishes provided a wide range of supplementary choices. For instance, one could serve fried- strain with beef, complainer or vegetables. This provided the customers with a range of options to choose from, giving provision for the vegetarians.The stir-fried noodles served with vegetables had the greatest percentage of profit margin. For a single customers dish, its ingredients were the cheapest to acquire. The dishes had a set of healthy primary ingredients, rich in vitamins and high in nutritional value. For instance, use of garlic and ginger across the ingredients add a delicious taste and nutritional value to dishes. Different blends of milk shakes added flavor to the menu. Besides the flavored tastes, the addition supplemented the dishes with beauty to the menu set-up and perfect blends with the dishes. Moreover, provision for a wide range of revels also augured well with the menu set up. The customers could opt to pick a drink of their desire from the options.Fried rice is a fast food made by boiling rice then frying on a frying pan together with such ingredients and additives as eggs, jasmine oil, carrots, ginger, garlic, angle sauce and spring onion. Stir-fried noodles are fast foods made by marinating chicken and beef separately before cooking together with vegetable. Mushroom, leeks, carrots, sunflower oil, vinegar and kelvin peppers are the main ingredients. Thai green lop has chicken as the main component of the dish and is cooked specially with such ingredients as fish sauce, green beans, ginger, green pepper, coconut oil and Thai green curry paste.The balance scorecard had five areas casing, objectives, measures, targets and the initiative. The eve nt included specific areas of focus before and during the

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