Sunday, August 11, 2019

Organizational Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Issues - Essay Example This film features the manner in which many institution of learning handle the students with potential in athletics. The film also shows the failure of these institutions with regard to preparing of these students who are on various scholarships. This has made the students to be less responsive to the external environment after completion of studies. In this context social pressure means an external initiative by a particular sect aimed at influencing business operations to conform to its intentions. This culminates in misleading of the organizations given that they are compelled to pursue weird goals. The major sours of external pressures in organizations are highlighted in this film. These include activists, the government and the society. Institutions of learning are perfect example of organizations with the highest influence of external social influence. In this regard, it is incumbent upon these institutions to inculcate the students with proper skills, which will enable them to fit in the job market especially after graduations. Unfortunately, some institutions fail to consider the skill requirements of all eth students. In this regard, students with athletics talent are ignored, which leads to thwarting of their dreams of becoming champions in the athletic realm. This also slows the adoption of this group of students to the external environment of athletics after completion of The role of external social pressure in influencing of organizational ethics is great. In this regard, the institutions of learning are socially bound to perform to the expectation of the community and the government. Good performance is a good gesture and it is usually in response to the implied external social pressure from the community and the state. The community will require the institutions to perform well in order to provide the best candidates in

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